January 9th, 2024

Microsoft 365 Folders

Since launching support for Microsoft 365 mailboxes, we’ve been hearing your feedback that you would like to analyze workflows specific to the Microsoft environment, such as Folders.

You can now see a new Folder dropdown on the filter bar. When you filter for a specific folder, your metrics will focus only on emails that are inside that folder. This gives you more freedom to focus on the data that matters to you.

On top of that, we’ve added a new page to your dashboard called Folder Analysis that gives you more in-depth insights on how your team is using folders:

  • How many emails are inside each folder?
  • How does folder usage vary over time?
  • How many different folders is each mailbox using actively?
  • How long do you take to reply to emails under each folder?

Simplified filtering

We have made several improvements that make using filters faster and easier to understand. We have unified the Email Address (From), Email Address (To), Domain (From) and Domain (To) into single Email Address and Domain filters.

Now, to analyze communication with acmecorporation.com, simply filter for Domain = acmecorporation.com. This will show all emails exchanged between your company and acmecorporation.com, removing the need to set up separate Domain (From) and Domain (To) filters.

December 1st, 2023

Business Hours

You can now manage your team’s business hours in the Enterprise Portal, enhancing the accuracy of your email analytics.

This new feature allows you to define the hours during which your team is expected to respond to emails. By setting up business hours, you can refine how response times are tracked, ensuring that metrics are aligned with your team’s actual schedule.

Outside your chosen business hours, response times won’t be counted, maintaining the integrity of your response time metrics.

In addition to setting company-wide hours, you also have the flexibility to establish specific schedules for individual mailboxes. This is particularly beneficial for global organizations with teams operating across different time zones.

October 11th, 2023


In the age of instant communication, companies are expected to keep up, responding to queries, leads, and client communications in a timely manner. Delays can lead to missed opportunities, unsatisfied customers, or even contract penalties. But as businesses grow, so does the volume of emails, and the challenge is not just about responding but knowing which emails need urgent attention.

With Alerting, you can now set up custom alerts to get notified on emails that meet certain conditions that are still unreplied after a certain amount of time.

Learn more about how to use alerts here.